Check it out if you have time! If not I believe they’ll be recording it so it can be viewed later. Must remember not to pick my nose….
City Market
Who doesn't love the city market?
I'm pleased with how this one turned out, Still, its another case of me liking the rough sketches nearly as much as the final.
Rough sketch of market
Another rough sketch of market
Plaza Lights
Ahhh the twinkling Christmas lights of Kansas City's Country Club Plaza. I'm not thrilled with this illustration but it will do. Mentally I still have some stuff to work out with this one. Me and this painting need couples therapy.
Plaza Lights rough idea sketch
Plaza Lights rough idea sketch
Plaza Lights rough idea sketch
Lunch at the fountain
The boy before being asked to vacate the premises.
Originally there was a boy walking on the ledge of the fountain in this illustration. After awhile I began to feel like he was paintingbombing (like photobombing but more 14th century). The copy is about the fountain and he was right in front of it breaking up the lines so I removed him. Poor kid. I feel like I ran him off. I should make another illustration showing him sulking away carrying a skateboard and giving me the finger.
Westport - rough sketch vs final art
Here's a comparison of the rough sketch for the Westport illustration next to the final, painted version.