New YouTube Video of Ocean Deep!

So I decided to put together a “video” of Field Trip to the Ocean Deep using the preliminary sketches. With the help of some royalty free music and sound effects, the sketches really come to life! Well… I think so. Also I’d like to point out that royalty free doesn’t mean something is sub-par. A lot of the music i found was really great…in fact one of the songs has become such an earworm that its a bit of a problem (Candelabra by Latasha in the Youtube Audio Library). Anyways, check it out, and if you like it check out the actual book - Even if that means literally checking it out from a library. I like to think the final art gives it a life and atmosphere of its own.

Scary Deep!

Originally some of the creatures in Field Trip to the Ocean Deep were a bit more intense! Like these giant amphipods that tried to eat the school bus submarine in one of my early ideas for this adventure.

Giant amphipods (related to shrimp) are not to be confused with giant isopods (ocean dwelling relatives of pill bugs) that are featured in the recently released final version of Field Trip to the Ocean Deep.
