Here's how the dino art for wall stickers ended up. They're all loosely based on actual dinosaurs. Well, all except the sauropod which is based on my idea of a brontosaurus which wasn't an actual dinosaur. I seem to recall it was a misnomer for the apatosaurus. Anyways in my universe the Brontosaurus is alive and well! AND Pluto is a planet (don't get me started on that one). Its just weird the way we label things. A good example: The other day I was with my 3 year old at the store. While waiting in the check-out line he picked up one of those styrofoam, lacquer coated decorative pumpkins and said "Dad! Ball!" I said,"Evan, thats not a ball, you know what that is. Can you tell me what that is?" He looked at me with a devious grin and drop kicked the pumpkin. As it went sailing across the aisle he looked back at me and said "Ball."
Anyways I want to do more dinosaurs. I almost wish this was just a warm up, but I gotta move on to the next thing.
These wall stickers will be available at . Just use the links to go to the Amazon or Etsy stores. My wall sticker sets are pretty easy to identify. There are many to choose from in addition to the great sets made by the guys at My Room Revolution.
Brontosaurus! Okay fine, apatosaurus. Happy?
Ankylosaurus. My whole life I've pronounced this dinosaur as AN KLEO SAURUS, but its AN KIE LOW SAURUS. Which makes sense cause thats how its spelled! Makes me think how a lot of people pronounce library as "Libary". But then again there's words like Wednesday and Favre where we all agree that we'd rather pronounce as if the letters were in a different order! Hmm I seem to be on a tangent...
Triceratops. Still the best ceratopsian.
All together