Rough hand painting. Rough rough rough..
So the way I'm going about this year's round of notable missourians is way different then the way I did the recent "This Is Kansas City" illustrations. The TIKC illustrations we're made completely by hand on panel. The Notable Missourians are hybrid hand/computer illustrations. First I start with a rough hand painting. Really rough. I mean people think my kid did it and I don't correct them rough. The main purpose of the rough painting is to give me some good textures and colors and the basic location of the illustration elements. I digitally bring the rough painting into photoshop and thats where I chip away at it. Its a great method that makes experimenting, editing and changes no prob, and I think it gives a nice hybrid look.
The Notable Missourian series is published by Truman State University Press. The book on Jean Bartik was written by Kim Todd.
The illustration after some computer lovin'.