Alphonso is another Notable Missourian to be featured in the Truman State University Press series by the same name (Notable Missourians). This book was written by Mary Barile.
Alphonso was a veteran of the war of 1812, a leader of expeditions on the Santa Fe Trail and an all around adventurer. Even better, he was a good story teller too. I suppose one has to live up to a name like Alphonso. I can't even imagine anybody named Alphonso being a couch potato. Heck, when naming my kids, I kind of wish I would've thought about the name Alphonso. Alphonso Hare. Yeah, lucky for them that never crossed my mind.
This illustration shows young Alphonso studying hard in his families cabin. Alphonso was smart and curious even at a young age.
Original rough sketch showing evening life in the Wetmore cabin.
Alternate rough sketch showing the tension between the new settlers and the Native Americans.
Another sketch illustrating the tension.
And another.