I'm thankful for lots of stuff. My Family, health, sunny days, not strangling my kids, having enough toilet paper, pipes not leaking, leaf blowers not blowing, old cats not dying, old friends I neglect too much, new friends waiting to be neglected, good neighbors including the ones I'm strangely awkward around, interesting times, taco night, , sunglasses, kind strangers, words that have the letter z in them, electricity, perspective, regular doses of unsolicited humility, my dog coming to me when I call him (I'm about to test that one out), an awesome city to call home, etc etc.
Anyways in the spirit of the holiday of thankgivingness, here's a painting from several years back but its still one of my favs. Its supposed to be my late big bro playing piano while I played with my toys nearby. I would literally grab my toys and rush to the piano when I'd hear him start playing. It was like having a live music soundtrack to my imagination. Anyways super thankful for family and however much time we're granted with them!
This is still one of my favorites. Its the right panel of a two panel set. Each canvas is 2'x4'
Here's both canvases together showing my other brothers and a close family friend who is a de-facto bro.